
Beards & a Blessing.

Last weekend we celebrated a couple of things! My dad and brother have August birthdays and Miss Ollie was dedicated at church! I was so excited when both of my sis-in-laws texted back saying they would be able to make the jaunt to Wichita for Ollie's dedication with my parents! My mom thought we should try and celebrate the August bdays on Saturday night so I was trying to think of something that would be a little fun for the celebration...then it came to me at while I was teaching...DUCK DYNASTY! ha. Every time we go home I feel like an episode is on or a quote is said from those two...so, I tried getting into "redneck duck" mode and prepare a little something for Saturday night. I told my mom and Maribeth to secretly pack camo for the bday boys so the theme could be a secret. They did and it was! Happy happy happy birthday Boss & Dad!

Sunday came and it was a happy day! Adam's parents, cousin, and grandma came up to join in on the dedication! Adam and I were just thrilled that our family was there to be with us as we made the declaration to raise up Ollie Lu for Jesus! Our little munchkin just makes us so happy!  

In the chair that Grandma Robin gave her!

t & b

Adam's brother, Tyler, got married this month! Brittany (and her son Trent) are now part of the family! They had an outdoor wedding and the weather was PERFECT for the questionable August, Nebraska weather! Seriously, lucky!  My favorite part of the wedding was that they said their own vows...hardly anyone does that, so great and sentimental, the whole crowd appreciated it I'm sure! 

We are so excited that Tyler and Brit are hitched! Woohoo for another Mrs. Anderson!


(dress look familiar? ha! The "brothers" weddings were 6 days apart...so we killed two birds with one stone! Same dress, different bow, good to go Ol!)

a & m

My little baby brother got married!!! Gesh, time flies! Our family adores the new Mrs. Ziegenbein, MariBeth, aka A-Mari! My brother somehow found a cute lady that loves farming, cows, making her own salsa, cowboy boots, and the list goes on! Match made in heaven I tell ya!

The day was beautiful! It's always fun to get family together to celebrate special moments! Welcome to the fam Mari! I'm excited to have you as a sister! Growing up I always wanted a sister and now I have two precious ones (Ashley Loog, I'm talking about you too)! I'm excited to spend our "grown-up" lives together! Taking vacations, talking about babies and kids, making meals and doing the whole laughing and/or crying thing together. Also, I'm excited you are down the road from the parents...I know when we come home, we will most likely get to to see your bright faces!

So, happy day! Cheers!  

Philipp meets Ollie!

"Dad..."   :)

Colorado cousin Anna made the trip back!

I have a cute husband.

My loves.

We love Em and Sara!

All the baby girls were cried. The boys confused by the crying. Ha!

Great Grandma Barb

Awwww...my precious baby girl.