
Easter- 2014

We came back for the weekend to spend Easter with family. Poor lil Ol has been sick and so we were not feeling 100%...but we enjoyed the nice weather and family. We are very excited to be closer to home soon so we won't have to drive the 4.5 hour drive with a toddler. Ha.

Here is a glance into our weekend! Praise the Lord for all we have! All the happy times, the stressful times, the frustrated times, the lonely times. I sometimes feel that after having a baby, my time to be alone with God, or even just to be alone, is so limited by someone always needing me. I am trying to remember that even when I am with Ollie I can be praising the Lord or praying to Him. That He wants me to spend my time enjoying the gift of Ollie.

Thomas and Liane's engagement party! August 2nd is the big day!

Ollie meets cousin Evie (named after great grandma Evelina)!

"Big kid" hunt...this may have been my favorite. The fact that I found the golden egg didn't hurt;)

Ollie Lu with great Grandma Lu!

This is my fav. Precious girl.


Wichita Weekends

Weekends in Wichita are nice. We don't really have too much of a plan....it's kinda a breath of fresh air, honestly. And I'm hoping we can keep some of our weekends as low key and carefree when we move back to Nebraska.

This weekend was full of walks, king hawaiian turkey-poppyseed-havarticheese melts, swimsuits, garage sales, neighbor BBQs, brief rainstorms, and bike rides....

I wish I could say that the helmet lasted the whole bike ride...I really wish I could say that it lasted longer than 6 blocks.

We also sent this out last week to family! Excited to see them next weekend for Easter!

Ollie getting ready for Easter last year and this year...


After 1....

I wanted to do a quick post basically to help remind myself in the future how much I am obsessedddd with this age Ollie is at right now! Adam and I laugh so much because she is just a hoot to be around! She loves copying anything we do. If we snap, she tries. If we sing, she tries. If we dance, she dances. And usually while she is copying us she has a proud face like she is saying "see mom and dad, I can do it too"...adorable. Too adorable I can't even stand it.

She still only has 4 teeth. And it's okay. She is just getting in the hang of eating bigger "meals"..for the longest time she loved to snack and that's it. A couple bites here, a few bites there. But we are growing up. She holds her spoon or fork and tries scooping up her corn or mac and cheese while shoveling it into her mouth...the majority spilling on the journey there, but she usually get a piece or two in. And that my friends, is success.

The other day Adam emailed me after he dropped her off at daycare and she said "Ollie did the cutest thing at drop off"...Apparently, she went around and pointed/ touched each of her friends and blabbed off nonsense words while "introducing" them to daddy. She went around the whole circle as if saying "This is so and so...and this is my friend so and so...and this is so and so", then she went back to Adam and hugged his legs (he thought she was going to cry), but she just hugged him and went to go play with her friends. Aww...the cutest drop off story ever, eh? I'm tearing up just envisioning it all play out in my head. 

So, yeah. Little miss Ollie is getting big and has her own agenda now. 7 weeks til summer with Ollie. I can hardly wait! Bring on the long days and high SPF sunscreen. I'm ready.


And a rainy Sunday morning....our church here doesn't start til 11....so we always have quite the day before service even starts. Here was our morning today! I want to eat her up she is so cute. Especially, in this raincoat. I'm so glad I had multiple coupons on a day Gap was having a sale. Because you can't put a price tag on a baby with a raincoat on. Seriously.