
Grab Your Wranglers...

...and we would if we owned a pair. However, Last night this is as "country" as Adam and I could muster up when going through our closets. Let me tell ya, we looked really good in this gear when eating dinner at "Thai Spice" right before we met the group.

Our friend Beau was celebrating his birthday and had some people come out to country line dance at Bushwackers. I thought I would be able to catch on pretty quick to the line dances...aaaand not so easy for Miss Amy. Lots of spinning. Lots of turning. I would catch on to one dance by the last phrase of the song...then they would start a whole new one! I did however, laugh a lot! Just watching everybody on the dance floor around me was basically a joke. There were people who are veterans (fitting in triple turns instead of single turns...watch out) ...and there are people like Sam;) 

Adam even took me out on the dance floor for a "slow song". However, the crowd was still circling around the dance floor at a pretty good tempo...so we were just shuffling right along. I don't know if I have ever laughed so hard in my life with him. We didn't know what we doing. And it was great. He is so darn cute.

Good idea Beau! It was fun to do something a little different! Yeeee Haw.

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