
12 days...

We are trying to get a schedule going now with little miss Ollie...sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Right when we think we know when she will be hungry or tired she pulls a 180 on us and decides a different route. Luckily, my mom stayed with us the first week and words can't describe how much that helped us, especially me! A whole week with my mom and daughter! Happiness! We are doing this week just the three of us and are on day two. Last night we ventured to Wal-mart...Adam was worried and anxious the whole time we were there...so nervous she was going to wake up and start crying. Hmm...hopefully this taking her out in public thing will get easier with practice!

You all would be very impressed with my wardrobe the last 12 days... I think I have three outfits (that would all be considered pajamas in some sort of way or another) that I have alternated after wearing for days on end. I could probably have a competition to see which ensemble I have worn the longest and I wouldn't be shocked if they would all end up in a close tie. 

I just stare at her all the time and it's amazing how much you can love someone who has only been here for such a short amount of time! Sometimes when she cries, I can't help that tears come to my eyes...her little bottom lip sticks out and quivers...like "Mom..come on, help me, fix me so I feel better!" I am trying as fast as I can sweetie...She has started making a lot of different faces and her big eyes just observe the world around her when she is awake. We've noticed her "awake/(sometimes grumpy)" time is around 6-10pm...Last night she feel asleep after I fed her around 9 and we thought we were being sneaky and tried putting her down to sleep because Adam and I were both exhausted...thatttt was not okay with miss Ol. She made sure we stayed up til her typical bedtime of 11 and even a little later! Silly girl! Adam was my hero last night. He took that shift, and he took it with gusto! Seriously, what a guy I have!

It's crazy how two weeks ago, she was hiccuping in my womb...and now here she is hiccuping while I hold her. I like it better the second way.

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