

Here are some moments so far this February. We had a couple of snow days which equaled amazing. and good ol' Valentine's which equaled staying in our pjs pretty much the entire weekend because we are trying to get over some colds. Adam and I laughed so much in the last two days. Over stupid stuff. and it's so funny because when we laughed, really laughed, Ollie just started laughing so she could feel part of the party. Swoon. This weekend was special, even though it wasn't really special. It was just a moment in time that I wish I could freeze and replay over and over again (types sappy pregnant lady). But if you know me, you know I have a horrible memory. and I'm hoping these pictures will help me remember these moments.

Snow Day Pancakes.

She would have us read a million books a night if she could. This was the line-up one night.

Sick babe.

Doctor Appointments with the crew. 28 weeks.

Last year/This year. We heart matching almost as much as we heart Vday!

Puffy Cheeks.

Visiting Great Grandma Barb.

Thanks Luke, Wichita buddy for my hair thangs.

On the way to Vday brunch at Le Peep. This girl. 

I attempted homemade pizza! Crust and sauce and all!

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