

I think I need to write a few things about pregnancy...(maybe just to remind myself how this one went)...

- No particular cravings. Anything sugary. But I think that is just my normal self...I might "let" myself indulge more and blame it on me being pregnant. Hm.  Questionable character Amy? I realize this.

- I hate the smell of broccoli and brussels sprouts. I could puke. But don't.

- Which brings up the happy note that I haven't thrown up yet:) 

- My first trimester was all a blur because of the move. I just know I wasn't in a super happy place. That's okay. I'm feeling much better...whether it was the pregnancy or moving or a bit of both. We are trucking along here in Kansas (with a much better attitude). 

- Let's see...I think around 20 weeks is when I started doing the "hairband" trick for my pants. 

- I'm almost 25 weeks and feel like I am now growing at a rapid rate. Purchasing long tanks and extra leggings are my thing.

- I'm trying to drink water like crazy...but then end up having to pee every 30 minutes. Which is starting to get in the way of me teaching. 

- What they say about emotions is true. Adam either thinks I'm the most compassionate creature on this earth or that I need to be checked into a mental institution. A couple of weeks ago I was laughing super hard, and ten seconds later I started bawling...? No reason.  It scared me slightly. 

- Apparently, I don't think I need to go to the gym. Before I was pregnant I always said "I'm going to try and at least power walk or do something for 45 minutes a day (because I heard in one of my high school classes that that cuts down labor time)"...I'm lucky if I do 45 minutes of cardio in a week. Psh. I guess I'm welcoming in labor with open arms. 

- Labor...which brings me to the fact that I hope Adam doesn't pass out when baby girl is entering this world. He "doesn't do well with blood" he says...I'mmm pretty sure I "don't do well with having a baby come out of me".... so he better lock it up...or I'm sure "mental" Amy will be waiting;)

Okay. That's my thoughts for now. I think I've had it pretty good so far. It's kinda fun to see my belly grow and feel the kicks of miss baby a!


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