
Take Me Out to the Ballgame!


This Saturday morning we took a quick trip up to KC to watch the Cardinals play the Royals. We got up around 9 and skiddadled on down to make the 1:00 game. I was a little tired because the night before I had my friend's Brittany's bachelorette party (woot woot) and got to bed a little later than usual! I convinced Adam that since we took Bruce out at 12:30am that he would be fine until the morning (so...no need for a 2am wake up to take him out, happy happy joy joy)...well....that didn't work out as planned. I got up at 6:30 and he had pooped all over his kennel and then decided to lay in it. Great. Of course I couldn't handle cleaning the kennel and Bruce at the same time so I had to call on Mr. Adam (who was super happy about my "no 2 am wake up call" choice now...not). We gave him a bath, took him out, cleaned the kennel, then tried to go back to bed for a couple of hours. 

Adam just had to take a picture of "Bruce's first bath". Yes, I know, I look amazing with my eye makeup smeared and hair...well, the way it looks.

The Cardinals game was perrrfect! The forecast said rain so I was a little nervous about getting soaked midday but it turned out to be super nice out...and the Cards won! So, win win. 

Meanwhile at the house: I had one of my high school girls, Courtney, watch Bruce. I totally felt like a mom writing out directions to a babysitter! Ah! During the game and Saturday night Adam would randomly wonder how Bruce was and every time I would say "Ohh, he is fine. He is a dog." Next thing I know I checked facebook on my phone and Courtney's status was not a good one...it had something to do with Bruce pooping in his kennel and her not finding our AC...Ahh, I felt so bad. So, shout out to you now Court, thanks for being a champ! However, even though he had some bad moments I did find these pictures on facebook as well...Ha, looks like they went scuba diving and to the amusement park!

We enjoyed ourselves at the Plaza and ate lots and lots (which we tend to do a lot, especially when we go out of town). There was one time where we went out to eat, got gelato, and then decided we wanted appetizers. All in probably three hours. Three different places. Nice. We regreted that on the third stop when we realized we just dished out $20 for no good reason. Hmmm...

Pear and Gorganzola pizza at CPK...Oh, how I've missed you since you left Omaha.

All in all. Great quick get-a-way:) And here's to the last week of schoolllll! Cheers!

**I am thankful for you, Courtney and Adam. For cleaning up after Bruce. Courtney for the poop in the kennel ordeal and Adam for just catching Bruce's puke in your hand to spare our carpet...hmm..that's weird that he just puked. 

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