
Something Fun & Something Pretty

So, one of my teacher friends at Jumpstart told me what her and her family did for dinner a couple nights back and I thought it sounded funnn. Nothing too special, don't get too excited. But it's simple and easy. So I like it. It's with those new Flatouts, I don't know if you have heard of them? They look like this...

So, she said they each made their own personal pizza and threw them on the grill! Fun...Well, we did most of it...except by the time we got home for dinner we decided to just pop em in the oven.  I realize they don't look like anything special. ha.

 Next time we will grill. But it was yum and pretty healthy:) Not that we are on our "healthy kick" yet? We moved it up to Monday (I think we keep saying we are going to get back at working out and eating food that doesn't have a drive through involved...)!

While we did this, Bruce played with his new favorite toy. Frog. From my mom after Stirrup Days. There is still a string on it from when it was hanging on her Gift Niche float. Nice. Bruce loves Frog. 


On another note, my babe is in Colorado right now. At the moment he is starting a hike up a mountain with his buddy Joe and some other guys. Here is the pic he just sent (Ya gotta love phones technology these days)!

Pretty huh?! (This is my "Something Pretty" I'm referring to in the title) I'm jealous! They will have so much fun. As for Bruce and I, we already got ice cream yesterday...

...and are heading to Ashland today to help Miss Mary prepare for Belle, my parent's new foreign exchange student from Norway.  She will be here in the middle of August! If she is anything like their last student Philipp (from Germany) this should be good!

**I'm thankful for my cousin Abbi. I started talking to her when I was at Von Maur yesterday, continued while driving to Village Pointe to browse DWS, Gap, and Jcrew (to which I didn't buy anything thanks to her- really, thanks. Adam will be glad), and then came home and let out Bruce all while still on the phone with her! Ha. Love her so much and she has such great advice and thoughts and everything:) So, thanks Abs! Sorry to keep ya from your fam for so long! Ha. - Amyluia:) (cue Ryan)

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